
Joanna Wood Personal brand photographer

There is something so satisfying about taking a portrait. Picking up my camera and having that split second moment in time capturing the beauty and uniqueness of someone unfamiliar. People have always fascinated me and I can spend all day just watching, studying faces, asking questions in my head. Who are they? What do they do? What is their life story? My photography journey has evolved to finding the beauty in women, wanting them to see for themselves what I see. How others see them. Not how they see themselves.


But you’re wondering how any of what I’m saying helps with your brand? Because, my gorgeous entrepreneur, you are the face of your brand, the one who’s face your clients need and want to see. We are inquisitive creatures by nature and we need to go beyond branding, show your difference, be the unique woman you are so you can upsell your services, safe in the knowledge that it’s you they can trust.


Joanna wood Brand photographer - woman  brand headshot in greyscale
Joanna wood Brand photographer - womans headshot in colour

All my life I lived in the darkness of comparison. Scared to be myself, scared to use my voice, scared that people wouldn’t like me.I lived in constant fear of judgment and lack of self belief.

I found photography my therapy, I picked up my first camera at 8 years old. People have always fascinated me and I could sit anywhere and just watch people. Somehow I’ve always had the ability to see the true beauty in anyone, it’s like a sixth sense for me.

It also meant I could hide behind the camera and not be in front of it. It’s easy to be in the background when you have something to take the attention away from yourself.

Only now after years of being in the background I am able to be present in my life and accept who I am is good enough. With the help of incredible women I have met through business and coaching I have found a different version of myself that I love, I have taken that fear and used it to push forward and show up as I want to. The real me.

This has meant I can push forward with my passion for portrait photography and bring people to life through imagery and showcase their greatness.

Our life journey is never easy but we can always find a smaller glimmer of light and hope. It may have taken me a lot of years to get here but I’m now that woman who can take that light and shine it so brightly you’ll need sunglasses to see me.

Joanna wood Brand photography shoot - tattooed woman portrait

Show up!

Stand out!

Shine Bright!

Show up! Stand out! Shine Bright!

You can be that woman, confident enough to do these things for your business. But it’s not just your business you are doing it for…you are doing it for the people who need you. Because once we can get out of our own way we can achieve anything we want to.

So girl, dig out your heels, grab your spanx brave pants, find that sexy sparkle and shine the shizzle out of who you are!